padronagaia – Mistress Gaia – Feeds her slave (€29.99 Yezzclips)

CUSTOM REQUEST – Mistress Gaia I would like to ask for a custom video of 5-10 minutes of foot licking and scat. I would like you to spend a long time and take good close-ups of the slave licking your feet, even between your toes. At the end of this phase, I would like you to dedicate yourself to training the slave as a toilet using his mouth as a toilet. It’s possible?

padronagaia/MISTRESS GAIA – A CLUMSY TOILET SLAVE (€29.99 Yezzclips)

Today I’m am with this asshole slave. He never shuts up, always wants to have the last word, sometimes I can’t really stand him. Today he has a cold and has a husky voice but, nevertheless, he goes on talking; now he’s complaining that my dungeon is cold during the night and he gets sick. There is only a moment in which he stays quiet: when he’s eating my shit. Yes, because he is my human toilet and eating my shit is for sure what he can do best. Today, I first make him lick the soles of my dirty shoes; it’s a good appetizer for what is going to come. Then I need to empty my bladder: I put a funnel in his mouth, so that he has to drink everything and not even a drop is wasted. Unfortunately, this stupid slave is so wimpy that cannot hold the funnel in his mouth, spilling some pee on the floor and making me angry. Filling is open mouth with my shit is the right reward for his clumsiness. I squat with my asshole over his mouth; I have a lot of shit today and my slave cannot keep up swallowing, but I don’t care, he has to eat everything. I pick up the pieces fallen on the floor and put them into his mouth. But I’m not finished yet: I see the ashtray, which is full of old cigarette butts: they ends up into his mouth too. What a filthy sewer this slave is!!!!

padronagaia – Mistress Gaia – Panties four panties (€29.99 Yezzclips)

CUSTOM REQUEST – Would it be possible to give your slave a laxative to give her strong diarrhea without using enemas? I would like to see your shiava in a panic, and when she can no longer hold back the diarrhea she has to relieve herself in her panties. I would like you to show the diarrhea in four different changes of new underwear. Always and every time using clean underwear…

Sarebbe possibile dare un lassativo alla tua schiava per fargli venire una forte diarrea senza usare clisteri? vorrei vedere la tua shiava in preda al panico incatenata, e quando non riesce piu a trattenere la diarrea se la deve fare addosso. vorrei che facesse la diarrea in 4-5 mutande diverse sempre nuove e che ogni volta sia pulita prima di farla nuovamente nelle mutande…

Lesbian Lovemaking Changes – Busty Slut Is Fed My Poop (€29.99 SG-Video)

Amazing scat love with Sabinne and her new busty friend Ruivinha. Hot, intense asslicking until Sabinne fulfills her true passion. Horny pee and caviar games. The warm divine piss and scat come straight from Sabinne’s petite body into her busty friend’s wide-open mouth. The fresh, warm poop is gathered together on a tray and fed to Ruivinha again. She has to fight against the urge to vomit. The two poo babes and their shit games are really cool.