Flornatiii – pink panties ready for christmas ($15.99 Femscat)
Getting ahead of Christmas, I put on my pink panties and I shit in my tupperware so I could look at my shit and the nice smell it left behind. I love tasting my shit afterwards, it’s a quick and delicious dish. Then I smear myself all over, I love seeing my breasts completely brown and dirty. Now I need a good cleaning or I could fall like that on your Christmas dinner.
Category: Eating, EFRO, Pissing, Smearing, Tasting
CassieScat – Pooping Then Masturbating – 2 in the Pink and 1 in the Stink ($8.99 Femscat)
It’s Sunday morning and I need to take a dump. I’m feeling horny so I tease my pussy while telling you about the old, stained panties I’m wearing. Then I take my panties off and squat to take a shit. It’s a stubborn one so it takes some time and some straining to push it out.
After relieving myself I begin fingering my juicy pussy with two fingers. I slip a third finger into my asshole, then I pull it out so you can see my poop smeared fingernail while I keep rubbing my pussy. I give you a close-up view of my messy fingers – shit on one finger and pussy juice on two.
I stand up and wipe my ass with my panties. I give you a good look at the hard, bumpy turd, then I show you some photos of how I used it to make some poopy treats!
GingerCris – Special Delivery Compilation – Part 5 ($11.99 Femscat)
ere is the 5th installment of my popular compilation series. In the first scene, it just shows you how quickly a cute girl can drop a steamy load. All I had to do was drop my panties and pull up my dress. The second load another perfect example showing me going from fully-clothed to dropping-a-load in just a few minutes. The final scene was by special-request. Watch me take a delicious dump on the toilet. The smell was super strong know you would love to be there with me. You can order your own load today or some brownies, cookies or panties. I have sometime for everyone! I hope you enjoy this latest installment! Kisses! Cris